What Might Be Causing the Swelling in Your Legs?
Leg edema is a prevalent problem. Edema, or leg swelling, can afflict people of any age and is brought on by a variety of different circumstances. Talking to your doctor…
Leg edema is a prevalent problem. Edema, or leg swelling, can afflict people of any age and is brought on by a variety of different circumstances. Talking to your doctor…
A sprained ankle is an injury to the ligaments that support the bone in your ankle joint. To help stabilize the joint, wrapping the ankle is an important step to…
The possibility of gout exists. High uric acid levels in the bloodstream cause gout, a kind of arthritis that affects the joints. A rise in uric acid can result in…
Have you ever suffered from foot pain and can’t figure out what’s causing it? If you kick the corner of the bed, it’s easy to determine why your toe hurts. If you wear high heels all day, it’s easy to see why your arch hurts. But not all foot pain is created equal.
The four conveniently located board-certified medical professionals at American Foot & Leg Specialists in south Atlanta have years of experience identifying foot discomfort. In their method, they consult with the…
Leg edema is a prevalent problem. Edema, or leg swelling, can afflict people of any age and is brought on by a variety of different circumstances. Talking to your doctor…
What is a callus? A callus is an area of thickened or hardened skin that appears on the bottom of the feet or hands as a result of repeated friction…
Plantar Fascial Tears Whether it begins abruptly or appears progressively over time, foot pain can significantly impede both physical activities and normal daily activities. Although it can inspire some useful…
The human foot supports the body structurally, enables movement, supports the body’s weight, and withstands the strain of daily activities and athletic endeavors like running, jumping, lifting, and many other…
Do you have a youngster who plays sports and complains of heel pain following exercise but feels better after resting? Are your child(ren) participating in a sport that requires running…