Runners are Prone to Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is Common Among Runners

Runners are prone to Plantar Fasciitis.When the long, flat ligament on the bottom of the foot (call the Plantar Fascia) stretches irregularly, it develops small tears that cause inflammation in the ligament. But instead of feeling pain most in the area when using it the most, the pain that results from this irritation is usually most noticeable in the morning after getting out of bed. Putting sudden weight on the inflamed area after long periods of rest will cause stress on the area; which then leads to pain.


Runners are particularly prone to developing plantar fasciitis

If stress and tension on the plantar fascia ligament causes this condition to develop, then running long distances or putting repetitive pounding on the heel of the foot during exercise can obviously lead to the development of plantar fasciitis.

If you’re a runner and are experiencing this type of pain, we recommend that you stop running until you recover. Additional and unnecessary strain on the heel only aggravates the situation, causing even more severe pain. Instead of running, try alternative activities to running like swimming. The key is to steer clear of any exercises that put strain on your feet. Consult with your doctor at American Foot and Leg about treatments and exercises to reduce the pain and inflammation.


If you’re a runner, here’s how to minimize your chances of developing plantar fasciitis:

  • Ease into a running program and gradually up the distance and level of difficulty.
  • Always stretch before running – Stretching the plantar fascia ligament is a good warm up before putting any sudden stress the heel of the foot during running
  • Rest regularly for long routines – When running long distances, it is best to rest intermittently in order to relieve constant stress on the plantar fascia
  • Wear proper shoes that support the heel and arch of the foot

If you think you may have plantar fasciitis, the best thing to do is see a specialist at American Foot and Leg Specialists who can ensure you are using proper form during and stretching properly and treat any inflammation. You may not have any symptoms, but if you’re a runner or someone who engages in high-impact exercise often, we recommend you consult with a specialist on the best ways to prevent plantar fasciitis from ever developing.

For additional information on plantar Fasciitis, Runners World has many articles on the common condition for runners.