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Achilles Tendonitis: A Pain for Athletes

Achilles Tendonitis: A Pain for Athletes

The board-certified doctors at American Foot & Leg Specialists with 4 convenient locations in the south Atlanta area are experienced at diagnosing foot pain. Their approach is to talk with the patient about his or her condition, conduct tests, and make recommendations for treatment. Two conditions commonly confused are Achilles Tendonitis (AT) and Plantar Fasciitis. Foot pain, no matter where it is, can be unbearable.

This Tendon Keeps Us Mobile

The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue at the back of the ankle. It allows the foot to push and makes walking and running possible. This important tendon connects the calf muscles to the back of the heel. Athletes put constant stress on the tendon which causes deterioration then pain. There are two types of Achilles tendonitis: chronic and acute, and there are a number of causes for Achilles tendon pain. If the doctor suspects AT, he/she will probably order an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.



Pain and stiffness located at the back of the ankle may be Achilles tendonitis. It’s often worse in the morning and diminishes after a warm-up. The back of your ankle will be painful to the touch and you may feel a lump in the area. Poorly fitting running shoes, high heels, uphill treadmill running, poor running form, and bad running conditions can all cause AT. It’s important to make an appointment at American Foot to discover the cause of the problem and get it treated early.

Poor Running Form

The mere fact of overuse is the main cause of the Achilles tendonitis and its related condition Tenosynovitis. However, poor running technique such as over pronating can lead to soreness. If the leg rotates inwards as it does when one pronates, it causes the Achilles tendon to twist. A gait analysis conducted by one of our American Foot specialists can pinpoint poor running form.

Two Conditions Arise

It often takes a combination of therapy and medication to relieve Achilles tendonitis. The doctor will work with you to promote healing and get you back on the track if that’s where you want to be. Once the doctor has diagnosed the problem and studied its possible causes, he/she will suggest a course of treatment which will be tailored to your needs:

  • Ice and rest (early stages)
  • Achilles tendon taping
  • Orthotics
  • Heel drop exercises.
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Sports massage
  • Calf-Stretching Exercises
  • Therapy to correct running form
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Into Every Life Some Rain Must Fall

Dedicated athletes experience painful conditions from time to time. Your condition will not be cured overnight, but with the help of the doctors at American Foot, you will be on the road again.

If the back of your ankle hurts, it may be Achilles Tendonitis. If you are suffering from heel pain, it may be Plantar Fasciitis. Either way, you can get relief by making an appointment at American Foot & Leg Specialists. They have offices to serve all of south Atlanta and south of the city: Stockbridge, McDonough, Riverdale, Union City, Newnan, East Point, College Park, and Griffin.

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